Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I’ll miss you , All of us will miss you … be happy ….


I just got this pathetic news from my aunt … (Somebody please get me a tissue, my clothes won’t help its not enough)

May you Rest In Peace

rjp (439)

And Babe, I know you’re seriously sick now, Me and mum will take you the vet , Please I beg you be strong by then … I curse you don’t you dare leave us please, Please get well better … Why why why so many things happen in my family why why why …

tiger (14)


Don’t you dare leave especially me,
Why? Because I’m the one who swept your poop,
Why? Because I’m the one who clean up your vomits,
Why? Because I’m the one who bath you and let you scratched me,
Why? Because I’m the one who comb your fur,
Why? Because I’m the one who pat your head when you wanted attention.
Why? Because I’m the one who let you sleep in front of the computer,
Why? Because I’m the one who cook you your dinner,
Why? Because I’m the one who clean up your plate every time you finish,
Why? Because I’m the one who hit you whenever you tried to climb up to the dinning table ,
Why? Because I’m the one who secretly fed you expensive fresh milk.
Why? Because you’re the first one who welcome me every time I reached home,
Why? Because you’ll be waiting for me to come back for me to prepare your fish,
Why? Because you’ll alert me when you want to go to the toilet so that I will clean up later.
Why? Because you’re the one that I ever get a pet,
Why? Because you ate all my fishes in my aquarium everyday until I gave up to rare fishes,
Why? Because you  always wanted me to carry you like a big baby in my arms,
Why? Because you’re the one who hides under my hands when I blow you dry with my hair dryer,
Why? Because I’m the one who is first to welcome you when my mum first saw you and took you back.
So don’t you bloody leave our family I tell you.

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