Monday, November 23, 2009

3rd Day In Ipoh.

So here is the last day in Ipoh. No plans for today actually. Ate simple brunch* then we can do whatever we want. Well I continue to watch “Code Geass season 2” and later played The Sims 2.

In the mean while I took some furniture picture again, I love it too much can’t help it.







Then we remembered that there is a place we’ve been wanting to go. But grandma is not coming with us, thus we packed out stuff and get ready to go ‘Kellies Castle”












This is a Wine Cellar, a room where they keep wines. And its  typically pitch black inside and cold. Kinda scary.




















Uggh this building is so old.








There is a photo shot with a male and female modal too. (Woman with yellow shirt was the photographer)



This is still not the highest floor yet, no edge at all.











This is a lift shaft. But there is no longer in used.























End of story and we headed back to KL.

[Original Date was 13.Nov.09]

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