Hey there ! This blog is where I share my thoughts, interest and my day ... It may be boring to you, but its my only way to express
Masa B.M
Today, in B.M class, i get back my Karangan with a few drawings in it hahaha !! So people ! Don’t waste Pages !!
Oh, cik Puan !! Gunalah saya, jangan membazir …… hahaha !!!
Hutan gondol jika banyak pokok ditebangnya untuk menghasilkan kertas !!! This picture special one , The whole class only i get this picture ^^ hahahah !!!
The marching lagi fun !!! Hahahahah “ pose tangan bukan untuk tengok, bukan macam ultramen, bukan macam ular, tapi tanda hormat hahahha !! Sorry if you don’t get what i mean, only i understand the situation hahaha !!! Can’t wait till tomorrow’s practice ^^ Yay !!
I’ll remember you. Today, Mathematic class, I did my work fast, I did not not do your questions. But just because I turned back and taught my friends to solve the question. I did not gave him my answers, I did not let him copy my work You gave me 0% … And you said, you want the results to be posted up. I couldn’t do anything because I admit i was wrong in the first place. But I can’t accept the mark 0% first time in my life, especially math, I never get a zero. You sir, made me remember this day forever in my life, Thanks to you. Today, is a bad day …. to those born in 1993, April 8th 1 o’clock in the afternoon, horoscope = Aries, Chinese zodiac = chicken a female, 16 years old who just took a miserable right turn in her life.
The six most important words: “I admit I made a mistake.”
The five most important words: “You did a good job.”
The four most important words: “If you please.”
The two most important words: “Thank you.”
The one most important word: “We”
The least important word: “I”
Ha ha ha ha !!! I tak habis –habis ngan pasal SU pulal >.< We have our normal events AND I’M SO SO HAPPY TO SEE SO MANY NEW FACES !! (Michelle thought I gila already, I memang gila already, she sat beside me) HYPER GILA !! ^^ Well, This week’s marching practice was fun, very FUN especially today , we all show off at other team ( wah damn damn syok betul) And one more part was Michx, ( remember that guy’s hand was so long that he almost …) Once i remember that scene, I laugh while drinking water and spilled it out … and during serious marching, I suddenly “laughed” Michelle was like “ Whats wrong with you ??” Ha ha ha my conclusion is, today is a happy day ^^ My mood is like the picture below.